Bayonet Teaser

It’s been quite a while since I’ve updated you on Bayonet, my work in progress. Well, that’s because it has been stuck on a computer which is broken. But, with the help of my handy dandy techno friend, we’re getting it back. After a few large edits, I’m getting right back into writing mode and going to wrap it up. For now, here’s a teaser. Enjoy!

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Steampunk: Every Writer’s Opportunity

Setting is half of the plot in a story. But the thing is, writers are running out of them. Medieval fantasy, sci-fi, and more recently dystopia have all been packed with authors fighting to be unique, but more and more it’s not working. What’s left?


Hear my thoughts on one of the last choices for authors. Grab a ticket to steampunk while there are still seats left.

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